A piece of antique DOS and unix/linux I still use today for this; mc known as Midnight Commander runs in terminal with root privileges if user has them.


It is not that difficult to accomplish, but their are other ways of accomplishing this I find this the most productive. Also no FINK needed.


On 02 Apr 2005, at 9:09 AM, Rob Findlay wrote:

Just now I needed to copy a file I had download to my Partners Desktop in her profile on my powerbook. Without giving it much thought I switched to the terminal app, su'd to root, issued the cp command, dragged the file from my desktop into the terminal to give the source path and then typed the first 2 letters of each part of the path to her desktop and used the tab auto-complete to finish the path. Hitting the enter key the job was done in less than 5 seconds and then it struck me how integrated the Mac and BSD methods of achieving a task have become in my thought. A year ago I would have been trying to accomplish the whole thing with drag and drop and getting frustrated by the strict permissions based approach of the OS denying me access to her home folder. The un-"Mac"ness of this would have infuriated me. Now my mind has integrated the methods of each OS and I am able to use the "Mac-goodness" of drag and drop with the savage "Don't mess with me" authority of the super-user and "no room for error" exactness of the terminal do something in a way that is more efficient /fun than either of these approaches would be on their own.

Of course being a Mac user at heart I had to then switch to her profile to make sure the "Unix Magic" had really happened (cause I couldn't see it happen with my own eyes) and to marvel at my own cleverness when the file was actually there on her desktop.

Made my morning.

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Rob Davies

"It is the world which makes known to us our belonging to a subject-communtiy, especially the existence in the world of the manufactured objects." Sartre.