If I remember correctly, MiniDisks were a little different. It was possible
to do, but one of my clients that had a Sony MD and an iMacG4 had to get an
iMic to do it. And then there was a little bit of software tweaking to get
it to work.
So in answer, yes it is possible.
Oh, and the player,.I'm sure you're referring to an iPod shuffle. :o)

If you want more info on it, let me know as I think I still have it stored
away somewhere what you had to do. :o)

Hope that helps.

Kind Regards
Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: <danielATmacwizardryDOTcomDOTau>
Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

**For everything Macintosh**

On 4/04/2005 11:07 PM, "Brett Carboni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> BTW, will this work for Sony Minidisk players as well?
> I have a friend who needs to convert his collection to run on his soon to be
> purchased iPod Micro random wrigleys chewing-gum thingo.
> Brett Carboni
> Tsunami
> "There is no spoon (for miso soup)"
> On 4/4/05 11:01 PM, "Paul Kitchener" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote this:
>> David Noel wrote:
>>> -- I'm tempted to buy a turntable + preamp which Tandy's have at the moment
>>> for just under $100. The notice on it says you can plug it into your PC with
>>> a sound card (with a $6 adapter) and use it, with suitable software, to
>>> convert your 33s or 45s to CDs.
>>> -- I have a 450 MHz iMac (with UBS & firewire ports). Can anyone tell me
>>> what
>>> I would need apart from the turntable to convert my old 33s to CDs? I'm
>>> running 9.1.  TIA.
>>> David Noel
>>> 2005 Apr 4