On Tue, 2005-04-26 at 12:58 +0800, Kassandra wrote:
> Hi,
> I am thinking about buying this G3 Powerbook Lombard (bronze keyboard) 
> 400 mhz Dvd Firewire model for $500.00 is this a good price do you 
> think. The machine is clean and tidy, no physical damage, screen 
> display is clear and bright. The screen shudder a little when I put a 
> movie on but the disk was really dirty, I was in the shop and didn't 
> have time to muck around with it a lot. But i put it on hold while they 
> charge the battery for me. Is there anything I should be looking for in 
> this model that could cause me grief.

The battery.

If it's old/worn out, you won't get much life, and I don't know what the
situation is with replacements. Check the battery life BEFORE you buy,
and if you can find out the price of new batteries too.

Also check to make sure the display hinges are solid.

I'd also want to make sure there's a decent amount of memory in it, and
price the upgrade to a sensible amount if it doesn't ship with it. I
define "bare minimum" as 256MB; others needs may vary.

Mostly it depends on what you want to do with it.

Craig Ringer