On 27/04/2005, at 3:23 PM, Matthew Healey wrote:

On 26/04/2005, at 4:40 PM, Shay Telfer wrote:


Thought folks might be interested in this. Obviously so you can buy tunes and play them under Tiger :)

<http://www.smh.com.au/news/Technology/iTunes-music-store-set-to- open/2005/04/26/1114462030140.html?oneclick=true>

When posting links to the Sydney Morning Herald, could every please remember to remove the "?oneclick=true" part of the URL. This stops the redirect to the annoying signup page.


- Matt

(A Mac user who certainly won't be using the store at $1.80 a track.)

If anyone is an avid reader of Appletalk.com.au, you will know that the tracks will be $1.69 each, and a few people have already signed up and bought tracks. Apple have somehow left a backdoor open into iTunes, and people have been able to sign up.

I don't mind paying $1.69 a track, if it means I save $17 on an album that has one good song and 11 fillers ;-)


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