On 28/04/2005 4:58 PM, "Martin Hill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> G'day everyone,
> Has anyone purchased/used any of the phone voicemail systems for Mac OS X
> here in Australia?  The ability to email voice messages to you while you're
> at work or pause itunes and announce the caller and show caller id on your
> Mac screen and run other scripts with complete voice mail trees looks pretty
> good, but I'm keen to hear of experiences here in Australia.
> Phone Valet from Parliant for Mac OS X looks like the most user friendly but
> is fairly expensive at US$199 + $17 postage (4-8 weeks delivery)
> http://www.parliant.com/phonevalet/
> The somewhat cheaper PhLink from Ovalab US$149 + $53 (2 day shipping) looks
> reasonable as well though it looks like it still requires a lot of
> applescripting to do more beyond the basic features:
> http://www.ovolab.com/phlink
> Does anyone know of any local resellers of the product?  Daniel do you do
> these?
> Thanks!
> -Mart 
Hi Martin

I'm not familiar with the first one, but I actually ordered one of the
PhLink ones and have it here. You're welcome to trial it if you want and see
what you think of it. I was going to have a play with it, but it's been one
of those "time issue" things.
I had a quick 2 second look at it when it arrive a few days ago, but that's
about it.
If you are interested then drop me an email and we can go from there.

Hope that helps! Talk to you soon.

Kind Regards
Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: <danielATmacwizardryDOTcomDOTau>
Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

**For everything Macintosh**