On 29 Apr 2005, at 12:29 PM, Shay Telfer wrote:

Should you give you plenty of time to read this excellent review...


Mac OS X now includes support for arbitrarily extensible file system metadata.


Have fun,
Shay (Forced to choose between Tiger and The Hitch Hikers' Guide to the Galaxy tonight :)

Tough call, but I think Hitch Hiker's has to win.
Less stress, instead of many hours finger biting hoping tongue is in right direction, as it all goes together then more hours trying to get functions or bugs fixed and working software upgrades as this version does not work with that. Nah, go to the movies enjoy have fun tackle it on a fresh day and memories, as Tiger has ya yanking your teeth out.

But, bugger their is nothing like a new toy in the toy box to play with, glad it is you and not me. I will wait a couple of weeks for my FCP upgrade to arrive. So, as I do not have to do it twice or pay for the upgrade to QT, and by then you guys will have most issues solved or workarounds in place.

Rob Davies

"It is the world which makes known to us our belonging to a subject-communtiy, especially the existence in the world of the manufactured objects." Sartre.