On 29/04/2005, at 4:34 PM, Rob Findlay wrote:

I just got it up and running, playing with Dashboard and all the other new fruit. The most impressive thing for me so far was that isync finally recognised my Nokia 6670 and told me I needed to download the isync agent which it then sent to my phone via bluetooth. The phone recognised it as an installer package, ran it, and now my phone is all synced with address book and ical. The other thing which struck me is the new version of Mail. They have done a real eye candy job on it finally and the import assistant seems to work really well. It feels more responsive than the last version which was horrible. Spotlight is Quicksilver on steroids integrated into the OS. Way cool.
Gotta play more now....

Spotlight rocks! Now I can legitimately have files all over my hard drive and just have smart folders :-)

But there is *still* no mail notification if you have filters that put your mail into other folders. Great use for a Dashboard widget :-)

Don't forget everyone that AppleCentre Joondalup are having drinks and nibblies on tonight betweem 6pm and 8pm for the Tiger launch.

