On 2/05/2005 10:14 PM, "Reg Whitely" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All
> I've got Tiger loaded on the Powewrbook. It installed well, runs Ok
> and looks nice. It's a bit too late to play too much tonight but 2
> things:
> I can't change Perth in Dashboard Weather Widget, from some place
> with -4c predicted, to Perth WA or even Geraldton. Any clues?
> Daniel's polite method doesn't seem to work. I can go to http://
> wwwa.accuweather.com/index-world-forecast.asp?
> partner=accuweather&myadc=0&traveler=0&zipcode=AU;WA;GERALDTON&metric=1
> but this doesn't seem to update the widget.
> Also how can I put mailboxes on rhs of Mail window? It seems it's
> either left or left out altogether.
> Regards
> Reg

Hi Reg

The weather is a strange one. All I did to change it was flip the widget
round (use the little 'I' in the bottom right corner). Then type Perth and
it will give you a list of "perth's" I did "Geraldton" just now and got it
work fine. You don't actually need to go to the website at all, it does it
all from the widget. :o)

My "polite" method? Hmm,...it was meant to be nice,..did I say something

Let me know if it doesn't work. :o)


Kind Regards
Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: <danielATmacwizardryDOTcomDOTau>
Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

**For everything Macintosh**