-- I have recently upgraded the Mac OS on my old 450 MHz iMac from 9.1 to 9.2.2 
(mainly because of this was suggested by HP following a scanning problem on my 
new HP 1315 all-in-one). Now I find that Adaptec Toast 4.1.2 cannot find my 
Que!Fire CD burner any more (message: Cannot find CD. Check cables and power). 
I assume something has changed with the system upgrade?

-- What puzzles me is that Apple System Profiler says that the device is there 
on my Firewire port, ie:

FireWire 2.8.5 > fw609e1 0483 > CD-R/RW SW-208B / Revision ID: BQO1 / Serial 
number: Not available / Product ID: sbp6O9e,104d8 / Vendor name: QPS / Sub 
revisionlD: Not available

-- The Late Breaking News for the 9.2 update did say:

"Apple CD-ROM extension and non-Apple CD1DYD driver incompatibilities. If you 
have a problem with a non-Apple CD or DVD drive, or you use an Apple CD or DYVD 
drive with a non-Apple driver, you may need to remove the file named "Apple 
CD/DVD Driver" from the Extensions folder (in the System Folder), and reinstall 
the software that came with your CD/DVD drive. Contact the CD/DVD manufacturer 
to see if you have the latest version of their software."

-- On the off-chance that this might refer to the CD burner, I removed "Apple 
CD/DVD Driver" and tried to re-install Toast from my CD, but the system no 
longer recognized a CD in the internal drive (obvious, I suppose). I put the 
driver back, re-installed Toast from the CD, but nothing had changed, Toast 
could not find a CD. Same for Toast Lite 5.1.

-- Also during starting or operation, the cursor would sometimes change to a 
whirling wheel, followed by a small bomb, and freeze. Don't know if this is 
relevant, haven't had it before.

-- Any suggestions on what to do next? TIA.

David Noel
2005 May 6

From David Noel, Ben Franklin Centre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
Mail: PO Box 27, Subiaco, WA 6008, Australia.  Fax: +61-8-9388 1852. Websites: 