on 6/5/05 7:46 AM, Onno Benschop at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Roger and Rosemary Horton wrote:
>> I've just been setting up a new website (for a friend) All was going
>> swimmingly, but all of a sudden whether I link the css sheet  with
>> document relative or  site relative links the pages are  still not
>> loading the style sheets.
>> At the same time, when I try to change the style sheet Dreamweaver
>> loads the css sheet on the remote site.
>> Strange! Anyone got a clue?
> Depending on how you've written your HTML, it is possible that the
> browser is refusing to load a style sheet of the wrong MIME-type. Style
> sheets are text/css, but sometimes they get recognised as text/html or
> text/x-c and the browser refuses to load them. The javascript console
> should tell you if that is the case.
> Of course it might be that you've mis-typed the file-name or path.
> Other than that, get rid of Dreamweaver, all it does is weave
> pipe-dreams, use a text editor.

Just love that last paragraph - Dreamweaver = weave pipe-dreams   :)

Just brilliant Onno. I'm cracking up here and my wife will think I'm going
mad with laughter!

Cheers everyone,
