PNG is more widely supported now. Internet Explorer and Firefox can open PNG files (but IE can't display transparency for PNG). It should generate smaller file sizes than PDF. And also you don't need Acrobat Reader, which probably will load faster in your client's machine.

Apple chose PNG over JPG or PDF, probably because it is a better graphics format, smaller than PDF (file size) and is compatible with any graphics viewer (including browsers).


On 06/05/2005, at 11:36 PM, Daniel Kerr wrote:

Hi All

I just took an Apple-Shift-4 screen shot of something, and instead of
getting the nice normal pdf file I'm so used to getting on my desktop I now get a png file. So I open it up in preview and save it as a pdf, and notice
I get a quality loss.
OK, so I've had a long day, so this could be me,...but has anyone else
noticed this and find it a bit of an annoyance?
I'm used to just taking a quick screen shot, getting it as a pdf then firing it off to clients and suppliers etc. Does this mean that if I now send these
file to a PC person I might run into some issues?

A quick google search tells me it should be alright,..
And even worse,..a further search gives me an answer to my own question...
PNG is better for screenshots, because it's lossless; this makes sure that every pixel in the graphic is exactly what it was onscreen, rather than the
approximations JPEG does (besides which, I've noticed that many JPEG
compressor implementations seem to have this undying hatred for shades of red). Gamma correction is nice when people view PNGs with tools that support
them, because it further ensures accuracy.

However, you pay for this accuracy in terms of file size. In earlier OSX versions, when you could directly save screenshots as PNG, OSX was actually quite good at making sure you got the smallest files you possibly could. Now that's not possible, though there are command-line tools like pngcrush that
you can use to crunch them down better.
---end quote---

,..but I just thought I would get a few opinions. :o)
Which leads me to my next question,.....why did Apple change this??? :o)

Hope everyone's weekend is going well!


Kind Regards
Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: <danielATmacwizardryDOTcomDOTau>
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