I have a problem with Tiger on my system which I have not seen mentioned anywhere.

First, a bit of background: a few of years ago the internal ethernet port on my G4/400 was killed during a lightning storm. I installed a Realtek PCI ethernet card which has worked fine ever since. Jaguar needed a driver for the card, but Panther did not. The card was automatically supported.

Now to the present: before going ahead and installing Tiger on my main system, I installed a copy on my little external Firewire drive, mainly for testing purposes but also thinking it would be a convenient way of demoing it to clients. I'm now so glad I took this approach. When I first booted from the drive into Tiger everything was fine. All the toys worked, I connected to the internet, played with RSS, etc.

I then rebooted the computer on the same drive, and things went pear-shaped. The computer could no longer talk to the Realtek ethernet card. The system simply does not get an IP address from the cable modem. The Realtek driver which was written for Jaguar (and there's nothing more recent on the Realtek site) has no effect.

Last night I cleaned off some space on a rarely-used partition on my system and installed Tiger on that. Same thing. On the first boot the Ethernet card worked fine. I was able to connect to the net, download a few widgets, surf a few RSS feeds, etc. Upon reboot - nothing.

It seems that Tiger has a driver for the Realtek card, but it is being corrupted on the first shutdown. I know it's not the card itself, since it still works perfectly under Panther (which is why you're reading this email).

I cannot even think of installing Tiger as my primary system until this problem is resolved. I'm anxious to hear from someone local who has Tiger running happily with a third party ethernet card installed. I have not seen any reference to a problem of this sort on any of the main troubleshooting sites.

Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482    Fax (618) 9332 0913
Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.