
Always place your fonts in ~username/Library/Fonts.
Tampering with the fonts in the system directory is
asking for trouble.

you probably shouldn't use that many fonts with
Fontbook alone - it is more or less intended for home
users, not graphics pros. It may be time to think
about investing in a commercial font managament

Hope this helps.


--- Lisa Pitcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi guys
> I have a number of issues I would like to find some
> answers to. If 
> there's someone out there that can help I'd much
> appreciate it.
> a) I have a problem with fonts displaying in
> PhotoShop CS on my G5 (OS 
> 10.3.4). If I only have a small number of fonts in
> my Font Book, it 
> displays them all, not a problem. As soon as my
> fonts number over 800 
> they only display up to m and no more. All other
> programs see all the 
> fonts installed.
> b) I tried everything I could think of to fix it,
> but couldn't, so I 
> placed my fonts in the /System/Library/Fonts and now
> the Font Book 
> won't open. It thinks about it and just spins and
> spins and nothing 
> happens.
> c) PhotoShop on my old blue and white G3 (running OS
> 9.2) is having 
> issues with the colour. It only displays pinks,
> greens white and black. 
> I've thrown away the prefs, zapped the PRAM, started
> it up with 
> extensions off to see if something was conflicting
> and even reinstalled 
> it. Still the same. I was wondering if updating to
> OSX would solve it 
> or if anyone has any ideas that may help.
> Also, I have a student who is looking for a CD
> Burner compatible with 
> an early iMac (tangerine). Does anyone have one
> sitting around 
> gathering dust that they'd like to sell reasonably
> cheap?
> Thanks
> Lisa
> Design Consolidated
> Mobile: 0422 949 646
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