Dear All

After many sleepness nights chasing the Tiger (or being chased by the Tiger as it were), I'm happy (and a little tired) to announce the immediate availability of Shellac 1.0. These are your garden variety UNIX power tools given the Aqua makeover through Tiger Automator. No more chasing man pages and figuring that obscure pipe syntax.

And it's got a feature I call "iTunes for Automator Actions". You download the lot, but only pay for the ones you want -- 99 cents each. A shopping cart interface through Paypal leads you through the process and your action is enabled for any session and for any user on a single machine.

You'll need at least Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) and an Internet connection for the initial activation.

Send any feedback and ideas for more actions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Look forward to your bouquets and brickbats!


Cheers, Glen Low

pixelglow software | simply brilliant stuff
aim: pixglen

P.S. My firstborn Lizzie's first baby tooth came out today, being replaced by her first adult tooth. So it's a red letter day for both of us!

P.P.S. Why Shellac? == Shell Actions. I know. I'm prone to silly puns like that.

P.P.P.S. A humongous big thank you to my beta testers, Shay Tefler, Steve Woods and Rod Lavington, of WAMUG fame. (That's Down Under Western Australia for you Northern Hemisphere folk, not Washington...).Definitely couldn't have done it without you.