Hi all,

Whilst not exactly a fix for Severin's problem below, the following hint posted at macosxhints is potentially useful for those wanting to reclaim some disk space:

<http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php? story=20050513150301725#comments>

In short, it is a hint on how to remove non-English languages from applications. It seems that even if you specifically choose not to install non-English support languages during the initial OSX install process, you will still find that applications like Mail, Safari, etc will contain non-English language files. This article illustrates how to remove these files using "Get Info" or via a number of third party applications. I did a quick test myself and can confirm upwards of 500MB of disk space can be reclaimed from native OSX apps alone.

Standard disclaimers and recommendations to backup data apply.

Hope this helps,


When I went to Tiger I did an Erase and Install and in the process seemed to recover about 1GB of vanished disk space. Since then I have kept a notional track of my usage and seem to have about 0.5GB nibbled away somewhere. Clearing caches and so on has no effect. "Where is my Disk Space" gives a full audit but no clues, it is certainly not disappearing in large recognisable chunks. I am tempted to SuperDuper the whole lot across to another disk then from there erase and bring it all back again and see what I get but apart from the time involved I always see such operations as potentially risky. As I have only a 19GB boot disk which is about half full the loss of 0.5Gb or more is not useful.

Any comments welcome
Severin Crisp