On Sun, 2005-06-12 at 12:14 +0800, thefrogs wrote:
> I am running 10.4 with broad band.
> I scanned some images but couldn't find them the vue scan program had  
> also to be reactivated from my serial number.
> Then BTV Pro icon on the dock was lost.
> I searched for my images and they were saved as aha.tiff in a folder  
> called Greek Holiday in my users folder as a new user. Other programs  
> have had to have their serials reinstalled. I feel I have been  
> hacked.

That sounds considerably more likely to be a problem with your install
of MacOS/X, your disk, or your filesystem.

MacOS X, by default, won't even accept incoming connections from the
outside world, and a hole in its firewall would be reasonably big news.
Unless you have intentionally disabled that firewall, or opened up some
ports, I would think it unlikely that an attacker could reach you. Even
then, they'd have to find an exploit, or successfully determine your ssh
password (if you opened ssh) to get in. That's not to say that your
theory is impossible, just that I'd consider it unlikely.

A badly behaved / badly written program, or just MacOS X going a bit
insane, is way more likely.

Craig Ringer

  • WORRYING thefrogs
    • Re: WORRYING Craig Ringer