
First things first - try to isolate the problem.  Plug the 2 Macs into the
Netcom modem and try the file copy, then plug them both into the Linksys,
then one in the Netcom and one in the Linksys.  If all works well then it is
a wireless problem.  So, turn off the Airport Express (APE) and connect the
PB to the Linksys wireless network and try the file copy, the turn off the
Linksys, plug the APE and Mini into the Netcom and use the APE wireless for
the PB and try the copy.

If all of this works it would seem likely to be the interaction between the
Linksys and the APE - perhaps configuration, perhaps standards

Good luck



> Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2005 15:07:20 +0800
> To: WAMUG Mailing List <>
> Subject: Wireless/wired data transfer
> Hi all,
> Recently added a Linksys WRT54G Wireless Router to my home ADSL
> network (Netcomm 1300 plus 4 modem) and then successfully managed to
> configure an Airport Express (using WDS) to extended its range.  I
> now have a Mini Mac connected directly via ethernet to the Linksys
> router, and a latest model G4 powerbook connected wirelessly to the
> network via the Airport Express.  Both running Tiger 10.4.1.  98% of
> things have worked fine since configuring this setup. The one major
> problem I have experienced is during file transfers using Finder
> between these two machines.  Invariably, file transfers will stall
> mid-transfer, often causing Finder to have a conniption that "force
> quit" or "kill" via Terminal sometimes won't even solve. Not all file
> transfers fail in this manner, but most do, and the problem exists
> when attempting to transfer files in either direction.  As far as I
> can tell the problem also appears to be independent of the type of
> file transferred.  The one solution I have found is to zip the file
> before transfer (data/resource fork issue?).  However, having to zip
> large (i.e > 200MB) files before transferring is hardly ideal, so I'm
> on the hunt for a more permanent solution.  Anyone have any
> experiences to share?
> I haven't been able to find much (read anything) on this specific
> problem at all despite a pretty extensive web search.  If anyone has
> anything to shed on the matter it would be most helpful.  I
> appreciate that there are a number of links in this transfer chain so
> any information could potentially be of use.
> Cheers, Matt.
> ---------------------------------
> Matt Huitson
> School of Psychology
> University of Western Australia
> 35 Stirling Highway
> Crawley, WA 6009
> Australia
> Work +61 8 6488 3639
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