Hey all.

Got a couple Problems in 10.4.1 that i'm hoping someone can help me with.

THe first one was introduced in 10.3.7 which was claimed by apple and macfixit to be fixed with the next major release (10.4). This hasn't happened and i can no longer find information about it so i assume the others who had the problem have had it fixed. The Problem: The line-out on startup comes out at what appears to be a low bit rate (low quality and louder than normal). This can be fixed temporarily by removing the line-out jack and replugging it. This fixes the problem until next startup.

The next is a blue tooth adaptor not being active on startup. The machine recognises the device but when the system is booted the device is off and the only way to get that active is also to pull it out and plug it back in. This problem has only surfaced since 10.4 as 10.3.8 worked as one would expect.

Lastly an 830U printer drives can't get a drive to do borderless or reel-printing. I've got the latest drivers off the epson site, they install and restart the machine fine but don't allow me to install the other abilities of the printer. I've just sent a request to the epson people detailing the problem so should hear back from them soon (hope they don't just pass the problem as being: talk to apple). I think its possible the drivers aren't 10.4 compatible and the installed epson drivers with 10.4 orveride the epson ones.

Any help on any of these problems would be greatly appreciated. Pretty sure someone on here had the audio problem a while back too.


machine specs if desired:
MDD, dual 1.25 G4
fresh install (reformatted all HD's and very little installed now so heaps of room)