Completely right on the drivers Daniel. I had assumed they were being installed correctly and the system was overwritting them due to newer drivers in the system or incompatibility with the old drivers.

Anyway Through the printers menu there is a +/- button the + brings up the add more printers box which can be used to find more printers to install.

So the printing problem is now over.

Only audio and bluetooth adaptor to go :)


Another thing I've found with 10.4 is that if you've done a standard install
with Epson and Gimp drivers it sometimes "chooses" the Gimp Drivers over the
normal Epson drivers, so you loose all the features.
I did a couple of machines where they lost borderless printing. On closer
inspection of the Printer window in System Prefences it showed it was using
Epson <printername>-Gimp 1.1. What I actually had to do was go into the
"more Printers" and add the Epson printer in that way.
I didn't notice it first off as the Printer window was too small, so all I
could see what the Epson blahblah- part. (I could see the dash, which gave
it away once I realised that.)

So this might not be the answer, but worth a look. Expand the window out and
see what Epson driver it's using. :o)
If it says Gimp, then you'll find you're losing some of the features.

Hope that helps!

Kind Regards
Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: <danielATmacwizardryDOTcomDOTau>
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