On 07/07/2005, at 11:31 AM, Matthew Healey wrote:

On 07/07/2005, at 11:23 AM, Dudley Gager wrote:

Am I missing something here?

I have never used BitTorrent before but I installed it and started the Beethoven download and at the moment the time remaining is over 8 hours on Bigpond cable.

Isn't it meant to be fast?

BitTorrent works by distributing the work of downloading to many people. The more people that want the file, the faster it is for everyone.

The problem is people behind NAT routers don't contribute to the upload pool. They only leech. If everyone is leeching and no one in uploading, then Bittorrent is as slow as any other web server.

Configuring your router to allow for uploading is beyond the scope of this article, but there are many good HOWTO's out there. Google is your friend.

The short answer is, yes bittorrent is fast. No, it's not fast all the time.

Clear as mud?

Correctomundo! I saw someone (who shall remain nameless) downloading a tv show via Torrent was getting 120k/s. No thanks to Channel 7, who have managed to take off "Lost" for another 2 weeks :-/ It will be a waste of time putting the second series on next year, as most tech-savvy people would have already downloaded the second series (if Torrent is still running then!). With 4 bl*&dy digital tv channels per station showing exactly the same thing, you would think while a special event is on (like the cricket) they could put the regular programmes on one of the spare channels. Would be a great boost for digital tv uptake!

If there were some way that those who create content can be reimbursed from Torrents being downloaded, I think there would be some nervous tv station execs out there..... :-)

(Sorry for the rant folks!)

