Anybody seen this and know a fix?

I have a user who on his old word documents and on word documents he gets from other people he gets grey "guidelines" across the page.

He doesn't get them in new documents he creates nor do they show up when copy/cut and pasting the lined documents in to new documents but cutting and pasting from new document in to a old lined document creates /displays the lines on the newly pasted page.

they do not print out and are not visible in "Normal" or "Online Layout" views

it doesn't appear to be a background fill or pattern, and putting a background fill (say 100% white or yellow) doesn't cover over them (they appear layered with the text)

they are not necessarily aligned to underscore the text - changing font sizes etc doesn't increase or decrease the spacing between the lines and large text or changing line spacing will result in the lines, say, alternatively underlining a line of text and then appearing halfway down and through the next line

show formatting doesn't revel any special formatting characteristics nor show any differences between a lined document and the same text in a new, unlined document.

some documents that he downloads have a squared grid instead of lines.

I have turned off and back on view revisions but lines still stay so they do not seem to be part of revision
Mark Secker Computer Support Officer
ph# 61-8-6488 1855 (ECEL) <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
University of Western Australia - CRICOS Provider No. 00126G

"It takes an idiot to do cool things.... that's why it's cool"
- Haruhara Haruka (FLCL)

Ubi fumus, ibi fumus

<> (sometimes works)