This is the method I use for batch converting image sizes - I've substituted changing the colour profile for changing the image size.

Open any one of the images in Photoshop
Window > Action > New Action.
Name the action
Click record
Apply the changes you need to make to the images. (ie change the colour profile)
'Save As' to a new folder on your desktop
Go to the action screen and click 'Stop Recording'.
Close the original image without saving it

Now go to File > Automator > Batch
Select the action you just created
Choose your source folder with all the images to be converted in it
Check "Include all subfolders' and 'Supress colour profile warnings"
Choose a destination folder
Select 'Over ride Action Save as commands'
Click OK.

Hope this works with colour profiles - I've only ever used it for resizing.

Adam said :
Does anyone know how I can batch convert color profiles.