I wonder if the iMac333 has USB 2, because if it only has USB 1, it would explain the speed difference. As you say, it wasn't worthwhile to get an expensive CD burner to use on the USB port unless it was USB 2.
On 17/07/2005, at 10:48 AM, Paul wrote:

KEVIN Lock wrote:

For the information of the list.

Our old Iomega Zip 650 CD burner has a driver CD for OS8-9 only and the Iomega site has no updates for OSX.

Peter Cutrona suggested 'PatchBurn'.

I downloaded PatchBurn and started to install it on the iMac just to be told that 10.2.8 can handle the CD burner and doesn't need PatchBurn. Tried it and sure enough it read CDs. I had to load up Toast Titanium 5.1 to get full function. Slow, but it works well.

A friend bought an (expensive) USB burner for his iMac333.
He was soon in much pain over the reliability of the burn process.
We compared the throughput of the USB bus to the rate at which CDs are written and it seemed that 2x speed was about the maximum USB is/was capable of.

He would have been happier if he hadn't chose the more expensive external burner due to it's greater advertised write speeds.

Are companies fibbing when they sell USB connected burners capable of >2x burning?

It was called a QueWrite I think which was ironic as he always had quite a queue of work for it ;)

I believe it is gathering dust these days if someone wants to make an offer.


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