I seem to be slipping further into the quicksand ...

I thought I'd check out the Bigpond 'Technical Support email form' to see what sort of information Bigpond requires if I am forced to report my present difficulties.

Lo and behold, when I try to go here:

http://bigpond.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/bigpond.cfg/php/enduser/ask.php? &display=content

I get this:

Safari could not open the page “http://bigpond.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/ bigpond.cfg/php/enduser/ask.php?&display=content” because the server stopped responding.

Which is the VERY PROBLEM I am having with the Apple website!

As I write this, the only problem on Bigpond's Service Status page is the Usage Meter. Everything else, including Browsing (National and International) and Connection/Timeouts, is showing green lights (i.e. no problems).

Life was so much simpler this time yesterday ...

Worse still ... Descarte's EVIL DEMON seems only to be interested in punishing me ... other Bigpond users on this list do not appear to be undergoing the agonies that I am.

Is there a priest out there? I feel the need for confession ... ;-)