Hi all

I responded off list to this email from Greg and forwarded a copy to Steven Tan, our GMUG webmaster and moderator. My mail app sorted it into GMUG folder rather than WAMUG and I didn't read the header. Sorry but I thought it was an email sent to GMUG mailing list.

I don't know why our website is not functioning.

GMUG is alive and well up here in Geraldton. We had a meeting on the weekend to plan for next 12 months activities. More on that later. One point to note though is that we will not be running our Computer Showcase up here this year. After three successful years we're going to have a rest from that and perhaps run it next year. Thank you to all who have supported us in this exciting venture.


On 31 Jul 2005, at 5:13pm, Greg Sharp wrote:


I was just wondering if anyone knows anything about the GMUG site? The last couple of times I've tried visiting the site it was down. Judging by their domain name they are a sub domain being run on the WAMUG server yet the
WAMUG site loads fine.


All the best

Greg Sharp
Australian Mac Users Group (AUSMUG)

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