My iMac G5 20" ran out of memory tonight - wouldn't even copy a single word
in Word.  

Surprising considering it has 512 Mb RAM and a 250 Gig HD. Activity monitor
showed over 5 Gigs allocated to virtual memory.  I was shocked.  The "Real
Memory" allocated was about 140Mb.  I suspected the problem might be related
to putting the machine to sleep, rather than shutting it down each night,
over a period of several weeks.

Sure enough, a re-boot solved the issues, though VM remains just under 4
Gigs. Has anyone heard of this issue? Is it a problem?  I certainly noticed
a significant slowing in speed over the last week or three.  The re-boot has
helped, but it seems there is a lot of "stuff" happening in the background,
stealing performance.

It seems that even with only about 13 items running in "My Processes" there
is a vast array of other items running - say 40 to 50 under "All Processes"
One "kernel task" has 46 Mb of real memory and a huge 708 Mb of VM.

Should I shut down instead of sleep my iMac? Is there a means of rationing
virtual memory (I have 233 Gb free space).  Any performance boosting tips?