The MacOS 10.4.2/Telstra NT1 Plus II incompatibility persists. For those that may have forgotten, Telstra's ISDN modem will not connect under OS 10.4.2. The only work-around is to regress to OS 10.4.1, as I have done, or do as Rod Jurich did (WAMUG 28 July) and buy a $200 router.

My most recent contact with Telstra left me feeling like I was at fault for having an OS that has been upgraded. While my previous contacts with Telstra technicians have been useful, this last technician (Stuart, I think) was patronising at best -- at worst, he was negative and evasive. According to him it was Apple's responsibility to rectify the situation. He said the problem was that "Apple didn't supply the drivers" with its upgrade. Sounded like a load of bull to me. There were never any NT1 drivers supplied by Apple. I had to buy them from Telstra and install them myself. Anyway, I thought the primary onus was on the third-party supplier to comply with the OS, rather than the other way around. Please correct me on this, if I'm wrong.

In summary:
Apple's direct help has been non-existent. They were more interested in selling, as opposed to helping. Telstra's help has become useless. Likewise, they seem more interested in selling, as opposed to supporting.
Mac users, in contrast, often provide helpful information.

That's why WAMUG is so valuable.
