We need a FileMaker developer to add new features to an existing FileMaker
database used for tracking orders of equipment, invoices and inventory, in
our Central Audio Visual Support Area here at Curtin.

They need to add extra search fields to the database, link invoices to the
asset database and a few other things.  The current database was created by
a staff member who is in another area on campus now and unavailable to
modify it himself.

They are currently running FileMaker 5.5 on a PC, but we're about to order
an Xserve and run the Mac version probably upgrading to the latest version
of FileMaker.

Give me a yell if you're interested.



Martin Hill,  Digital Media Specialist
Information Management Services, Curtin University of Technology
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED],   web: http://is.curtin.edu.au/ims.cfm
Mb: 0401-103-194  wk: (08)9266-3101