Thanks very much, Josh! That appears to have worked - Illustrator started normally.

    Pat Scott

On 31/08/2005, at 15:54 , Pat Scott wrote:

Hello, WAMUGgers,

Several days ago my desktop computer (1.42 Gz Dual processors, 2 Gb RAM, running 10.4.2) had a severe crash. I was using Epson PrintCD at the time, which I have always thought a little flaky, and a number of other applications were open, including Illustrator CS1. When I rebooted, all seemed normal until the log-in box should have appeared - just got a plain blue screen. I was able to do a safe boot and repaired permissions, put the Tiger installation disk in the CD drive, restarted from the disk and repaired the disk with disk utility - the message was that nothing needed to be repaired. The computer was able to start normally after that.

When I then tried to restart Illustrator CS1, it would begin starting and then fail. So, I reinstalled Illustrator. It started up OK and I used it for the rest of the day. Today, I just tried to start Illustrator again, and once again it failed.

Any suggestions about what might be going on here? I shouldn't think the problem is with Illustrator. Is something more sinister going on with the computer? I have just ordered the new version of DiskWarrior and will run it when I get it. All suggestions about what I can do next will be gratefully received.

Hi Pat,

One possibility is a corrupted preference file. Illustrator has several of these.

To find the preference files, go to your home folder, then ~/Library/ Preferences.

There's a folder called Adobe Illustrator CS Settings, and another file, com.adobe.illustrator.plist

You could start by moving both of these to (say) your Desktop, and start Illustrator. If that works, but you've lost some settings that you worked for months to get right (such as keyboard shortcuts etc.), then you could start copying the preference files back into place one by one, each time restarting Illustrator to make sure it's still working. Make sure you quit Illustrator before moving any preference files. If the problem comes back, then you know the last file you moved is corrupted, and you need to ditch it.


Joshua J. McKinnon