Rob and Neil

Thanks for your input. The main problem is that I can't VIEW the file on the Internet.

Previously I did manage to download the images in Internet Explorer using Graphic Converter as the helper application and also the download handler (as instructed by the Web Site Help File). They downloaded in the background and then I had to open them in GC.

I would really like to be able to view the files before I waste time downloading them, this is why I tried the two TIFF viewers British Origins recommend. However Accel ViewTIFF changed the preferences in IE and even though I have reset the helper applications it now gives me a Run Time Error.

When using Accel ViewTIFF in both Safari & IE the file apparently downloads, then the error message says it can't display it BUT the file is not on the HD, maybe it was just in memory? My download folder is set to the Desk Top in both browsers but I searched for files created today anywhere, no luck.

The files I downloaded in March would not open with Preview, it does not even 'see' the downloaded TIFF files. BUT if I do Save-As in GC and save as a TIFF then Preview can see and open the file!!!

I use Ancestry for the 1861-1901 census with no problem, I can view and browse through the images on the Internet and then choose download and an image suitable for printing downloads. I can then ctrl-Click to save it and they open in Preview.

Neil suggests Picture Viewer but I only have that in OS 9.

The 1841 Census Images on British Origins are grey-scale because the original paper is very dark and so the contrast is low. I presume that the normal JPG or GIF formats don't cope with grey-scale and that is why they use TIFF?

Even people with PCs are advised they may need a special viewer.

I solved the problem back in March so I shall persist and maybe I shall find a way! Rob suggests a different browser, maybe I shall try FireFox.

Thanks again for helping and best wishes to all from Diana