I think the easiest way is to use a Sound Editing Application to join the
separate MP3 tracks into one track. You may even be able to do this in
Quicktime (if you have Pro version). Depending on the App you use you may be
able to do it natively to the MP3's however many Apps may require you to
convert your MP3's to AIFF's before joining tracks and then reimport into

I do it in reverse where I rip an old Album (Vinyl) as a single AIFF to my
hard disk. Occasionally I import this single AIFF into iTunes & it appears
as a single MP3 track around 40 minutes in length. Normally though I split
the AIFF into individual tracks and then import as individual MP3 tracks.
The reverse of this as mentioned in the first paragraph should work for what
you want to do however.


All the best

Greg Sharp
Australian Mac Users Group (AUSMUG)

On 18/10/05 7:19 PM, "Andrew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 18/10/2005, at 3:21 PM, Adam Yap wrote:
> Hey all,
> I've been puzzling this for a while, trying to look for a solution and
> I thought I'd ask the group. I have a pretty large music collection,
> too large to fit onto my 4gb iPod.
> What I like to do is create smart playlists which put random tracks
> onto the iPod. However, I find that this puts random tracks, not full
> albums, which is my preferred way of listening. Does anyone know of a
> way to put random albums in a playlist as opposed to tracks?