$3999. Not a bad price drop on the 30". They come out of the blue!

that's almost affordable (actually that's quite a bit less than my first laptop cost) :)
now just to get a machine that will run it

I would assume it will arrive at <http://www.apple.com/au/aperture/> but
it's not there yet.

It will sell for $699. (Australian Dollar).

shipping time 6 to 8 weeks???

6  to 8 WEEKS?

on software that's been officially released?

... um  yeh right...

my guess is pirate copies will start popping up in Malaysian "software markets" well before then (if they aren't already given a friend picked up P.S. CSII the week before it was officially released)
Mark Secker Computer Support Officer
ph# 61-8-6488 1855 (ECEL) <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
University of Western Australia - CRICOS Provider No. 00126G

"It takes an idiot to do cool things.... that's why it's cool"
- Haruhara Haruka (FLCL)

Ubi fumus, ibi fumus