On 21/10/2005, at 11:15 AM, Hugh Griffiths wrote:

Hi, I am looking for advice on what is the best way to burn dvd's of my
many hours of VHS video (currently standing at around 200+ hours) of
family stuff. I have a G5 Imac and a hi-fi stereo VHS player, just not
sure what the best way to connect the two is, and what the best software
would be.


Either use a Canopus DV box (which will let you plug in your VHS player, then firewire into your Mac), or invest in a DV camcorder that has an analogue bridge function. The Canons are fairly cheap now, and work well (in saying that, the bridge function of my MV600i no longer works with iMovie 5 :-(, worked fine in iMovie4).

iMovie and iDVD are your best bets. Easy to use, and would have come free with your iMac.

