On 21/10/2005, at 11:39 AM, Andrew wrote:

I recently got a Pentax Optio S5n from Plaza Cameras in Perth. 5Mp super compact, easy to use and I am very happy with the results so far. I also have a Fuji Finepix S7000, easy to use 6Mp SLR (full manual settings if you want them, otherwise point and shoot), I think around $800 or so now. Very good results, but chews the batteries when switched off.

So the S7000 still chews the batteries. I have its predecessor, the s690z, and that is probably the only annoying thing about the camera.

Wonder if the latest from Fuji, the S9000, got rid of that problem. BTW if I was after a camera a little upmarket of the point and shoot, without the expense of a digital SLR, the S9000 would be my choice. 9 megapixel, 10.7 zoom with a high quality lens and a heap of other features. And still around $800 or so.

