> From: "Antony N. Lord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I've been looking at http://www.byopvr.com/ for some time - pitty
> there aren't more people doing Mac based versions.

Yeah - I can't find any Mac stuff on that site.  Here're some other options
for Mac Media Centre stuff:
Early days yet though.  Oh for a Front Row 2.0 with plug-ins.  :-)

> Out of interest - do you watch you recorded TV on your monitor, pipe
> it elsewhere in the house or have the Mac in you lounge room?

We watch mainly on the screen of the 17" iMac G5 on the coffee table in the
lounge which is dedicated as our main home computer with the EyeTV and a
250GB firewire disk attached. (my wife and I both have PowerBooks for
personal/work stuff)

The iMac runs our entire music and photo libraries as well and is plugged
into the surround sound system and a cheap data projector for those times we
want movies/TV on the big screen.  The iMac also runs the $30 Evocam
Security camera software with a cheap webcam and emails a photo of anyone
who comes to the front door.  Quite handy.

We sometimes pipe the video elsewhere in the house, but VLC streaming video
over Airport Extreme to the Powerbooks is still not up to scratch
performance-wise.  Too much stuttering video.  Probably have to wait for the
next WiFi standard 802.11n

I have exported a lot of recordings from EyeTV and built up a library of
movies we haven't watched yet burned to data DVD (can fit 2 movies per DVD-R
using H264 even without being bothered to edit the ads out).
Works well.
