On 05/01/2006, at 12:17 PM, Severin Crisp wrote:

Where does Mail store attachments? If I "Save" an attachment I can put it where I wish, if it is a picture it goes onto another hard drive. Subsequently the attached picture still seems to show up in the email when it is reopened even a long time later. In the Mail Preferences setting I have set to "Delete unedited downloads" when the email is deleted so presumably there must be a huge cache of downloads kept secretly somewhere by Mail. A search of all the obvious places has not revealed this.
Can anyone enlighten me on this, please?
Severin Crisp

Hi Severin,

Generally speaking, the messages are stored as .emix files, in a Mail folder located:

Macintosh HD:Users:<username>:Library:Mail

Message enclosures or attachments are stored in a separate Mail Downloads folder at the same level.

The Mail Downloads folder is not the primary location of attachments to emails -- attachments reside in the mailbox (including Inbox), thus within the Messages folder of the mailbox, and generally are only seen in the downloads folder if opened by another application other than mail. The preference for how long a copy stays in the Downloads folder can be set in Mail Preferences/General.
