Because I need to run one particular Windows app on my G5 iMac (MS Visio), I am now running Virtual PC (v 7.02 with XP Professional 2002 SP 2). Not ideal, but necessary for my business.

My question relates to security. I'm pretty confident about Mac security, but with Windows running within it, I'm interested in what security precautions to take. For example, should the Windows firewall be on? Do I need to install the regular Windows OS updates. Note I don't run any Windows email, so consider anti-virus to be unnecessary. I have only had to use Explorer once, to access a trusted site that doesn't support Safari/Firefox - so I also consider anti-spyware to be unnecessary also.

Note I'm connected to the Internet via ADSL with a NAT router. So I'll raise the other niggling question - without Virtual PC running, should the Mac firewall be on or not? I've heard conflicting positions on whether the NAT router is adequate protection or not.

Any advice appreciated.

