Rod wrote:



Look familiar?



Thanks Rod!

I giggled...

I read some of the many comments and took the liberty of showing you these.
It sure stirred a few folk up, ahh good ole windoze bashing:

"Deja vu, indeed. The irony is that all of my friends/co-workers will be “showing off” these “new” features to me … I will look with a blank stare and tell that I had these features over a year ago and they are not all that … they will give me a blank stare and the cycle will continue."

And another:

"The claim that the Mac does'nt’t have any viruses because of its comparatively small market share is contradicted by the existence of Vista-specific viruses even before the official release of the Vista OS."

Not too sure about the second one but it sort of rings true ;-)
The funny thing for me is Vista's artwork with the folk standing on a mountain. The problem is there is nothing close at all, the nearest object is in the distant haze. (sigh)



OMG I think I just read my first blog! It'll be a while till the next.