> From: Shay Telfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Has anyone out there with an EyeTV shelled out for the upgrade to the
> EyeTV 2 software? Is it any good?

Yep, I purchased it yesterday and have been using it fairly extensively
since then to queue up a lot of compression tasks squishing dozens of
Quantum episodes and other docos that have been sitting cluttering up my
EyeTV recordings list.

Probably the most important advancement for me is the new behaviour when
batch compressing lots of recordings.  Instead of EyeTV trying to compress
them all at the same time and ending up bogging down and being no use to
anyone, version 2 queues the jobs and only works on the one recording at a
The new "compress to iPod" option is a checkbox in the "schedule a
recording" dialog so it compresses to the iPod format automatically as soon
as the recording is finished.  Great time-saver that.  Also, the default
iPod setting in EyeTV is actually 640x360 resolution (using plain MPEG-4)
which is more than viewable on the Mac screen (and data projector)
particularly for docos and news etc.  However, for movies, I am still using
H264 and the original resolution (usually around 720x360 or so) for the best
quality.  A v1.84 bug which defaulted the resolution incorrectly to 720x576
when compressing to H264 that added several extra steps for me is fixed as
well (hurrah!).  It also optionally adds the recordings to iTunes ready for
synchronisation to your video iPod.

IceTV is now totally integrated into EyeTV (no need to use iSlayer's
Dashboard widget) for one-click scheduling of recordings, it doesn't pick up
any channels in the EPG when I try it out on the 14-day IceTV trial so I
can't say if it is any good (beyond the 14-day trial, I still refuse to
spend $150 per year just to save a few clicks when scheduling recordings.
$50 per year maybe!)

The new iTunes-like interface is a big advance over the old, particularly
separating schedules from recordings and giving more info (including size of
files) for each recording and now allowing multiple selections and other
Mac-like options for working with recordings and schedules etc.  One
annoyance is inactive schedules are now intermingled with active ones making
it harder to see at a glance what's what.

The new "Show in Finder" option for recordings is very handy as is the new
intelligent naming of recordings (no more 00000000097d56.mpg).  yay

All-in-all, though at US$49 it is a somewhat expensive upgrade (still
cheaper than a year's subscription to IceTV though), it has more than paid
for itself in the amount of hassle it has saved me getting rid of the
non-standard Mac interface of the old software and adding the various new

