Just received the following email from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, it is as received, except for the actual key in the link.

I have not requested a reset of the password or even been in my Apple account section for some time so I assume someone has entered my user name by mistake.

Probably no harm can be done but with the scams that are about I though I would just ask if anybody is familiar with the way Apple deals with there password resets.

Dave Watkins


Dear David Watkins,

To reset your Apple password, please click on the link below or copy and paste the address onto your web browser's address window. Once you're on the web page, you will be instructed to enter and confirm your new password.

https://iforgot.apple.com/cgi-bin/resetPassword.cgi? key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Please note that this link will expire 3 hours from the time it was sent.

If you require further assistance in resetting your password, please visit:


Thank you for contacting Apple.