Chris Griffiths wrote:

Hi Guys,

Ok, I have this really irritating beep that goes off every minute, just like a chinese water torture! But I can't work out which app causes it. It seems to start whenever it wants!!

Any ideas.

Regards 'Totally Irritated!!!' Chris G

I read something recently about an incessant system sound and I was reminded about it when I read your situation. It only sounds similar to your situation but at least it is written entertainingly ;-)
Maybe it will generate some ideas as to the cause of your beep.
BTW has the keyboard been checked out yet? The mouse?


From <>

"My apartment-mate (we'll call him "Mike") sheepishly entered my room, asking me if I could take a "look" at his computer. He rarely relies on my Mac expertise to solve a problem; he usually takes it on as a "challenge" to solve it himself. So I knew this must be a stumper.

He turned on his Performa, and shortly after the extension parade, his Mac started beeping. Incessantly.

/Beep! Beep! Beep!/

We still had control of the Mac, and could open files, pull down menus, etc. But the incessant beeping was maddening. We checked every control panel for settings. All seemed ok. We changed the error beep in the "Sounds" control panel, and lo and behold, the incessant beeping became incessant quacking.

/Quack! Quack! Quack!/

Annoying, so we changed it back. We lowered the volume in the control panel, and now instead of beeping, the menu bar began blinking (which is what normally happens when you mute the beep sound).

/Blink! Blink! Blink!/

Obviously, first thing I tried was restarting with all extensions off.

/Beep! Beep! Beep!/

So, what was going wrong with his Mac? To what error was the Mac trying to alert us? And more importantly, was this a software or a hardware problem? Mike's first guess was to replace the system software (perhaps it got corrupted?). As he pulled out the old floppies, I figured I'd test if this would solve the problem. I started up from the System Software CD-ROM that came with the computer. Guess what?

/Beep! Beep! Beep!/

Just to be safe, I then started up from the Disk Tools. Even though it was a minimal system, with no control panels, we /STILL/ heard:

/Beep! Beep! Beep!/

No matter how we'd alter or re-install the software, this beeping would not go away. Perhaps a loose speaker connection? Mike finally admitted that he'd been pulling his hair for hours on this one, and I was his last hope. Apparently this incessant beeping was plaguing him for three /days/ now, and he could no longer concentrate on getting his law studies done. I could see the psychosis building in his eyes. This was a desperate man.

/Beep! Beep! Beep!/

I'd ascertained it was a hardware problem, which meant it was out of my hands. Before giving in completely, Mike seemed let down that he'd actually have to bring his trusty, die-hard Mac in for /service/. Blasted Performas, I thought. Apple probably cut some corners to make the models less expensive. Weird new features, bundled software, ease-of-installation...I mean, how difficult is it to install and configure a /real/ Mac?

I began to exit the room. Mike got on the phone. Defeat.

/Beep! Beep! Beep!/

Then it hit me. I turned around, headed back for the Performa. At the base of the CPU were two volume buttons to "ease" adjustment...and the "up" button was jammed in. With a quick jiggle, it was released, and...

Silence. Beautiful silence.

Mike asks me for Mac help all the time now."