With an iMacDV I'm pretty sure that apart from the Airport Card you will
also need the Airport Adaptor Card required for this model that the Airport
card fits into. Hopefully someone local can help (I'm in Sydney) but if not
I saw both these items for sale on eBay today (can't remember when the
auction ends) that may be worth checking out.


All the best

Greg Sharp
Australian Mac Users Group (AUSMUG)

On 19/2/06 12:20 AM, "Peter Martinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> My (90) year old mother has an iMacDV in her retirement residence which
> is now offering broadband via a wireless network.
> I can connect to their network with my 17" Powerbook ( security is suspect).
> It's a setup where they wireless to an aerial on your roof then who
> knows what.
> I an seeking a retailer who sells wireless card and adapters to suit the
> iMacDV.
> Google searches give so many wireless extreme that they (old cards ) are
> hard to find.
> Does anyone know of any suppliers locally?