I won't be able to provide internet access for the group anymore. I had a block placed on my account because of the iTMS demonstration and I have been told any further use of my account for WAMUG will be subjected to the scrutiny of Curtin's Information Security Management.

Hopefully WAMUG will be able to come to some kind of arrangement with Curtin.
Ruben A. Franke

Hi Everyone,

Matt Healey, your ever faithful President here, letting you know what's going on in the world of the WA Macintosh User Group.

Well what a surprise we got last month when we walked into the meeting room, only to find that we had a new AV system. That's right. A proper projector and sound system. Thanks Curtin! It's greatly appreciated. (Now, about that Internet access.) Oh and while I think of it, thanks again to DigiLife for the loan of the new Intel-based iMac.

So, what's on this month?

First up, we have our Annual AGM, which in long form means Annual Annual General Meeting. HA! Take THAT you people who call them ATM Machines. This is the time were We The People get to elect a new bunch of people to run WAMUG. If you would like to be one of those people, you just need to be there on the night and put your hand up at the appropriate moment. It's as easy as that. Now, on to the next bit.

Unless you have been living under a rock, which in itself would be rather uncomfortable, you would have heard that a couple of nasty programs have been released for the Mac. I am not going to call these programs viruses, because they are not. These little suckers are called Trojan Horses, named after that movie with Brad, that guy from Full-Frontal and the dude with pointy ears and girlie hair. I am going to show you what they are and how to get rid of them (the Trojans, not the actors) without having to revert to expensive software.

Next up, Peter is going to show off a program called Disc Label. Funnily enough, it's a program for making labels for discs, and it seems to do a decent job as it. Peter will also be showing off how to type in French, or something to that effect.

Finally, if all goes to plan... someone will have a new, badly named MacBook Pro to show off.

Well that pretty much sums it up for us this month. I hope to see you all there.

- Matt Healey

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