On 03/03/2006, at 1:22 PM, Rosemary Horton wrote:

I've recently shot a video with the school's camera, and did not have a firewire cable so downloaded it to my Windows machine at work where it saved as wmv file. I copied this, but on my mac , imovie doesn't see it, won't import it. I downloaded a program called ffmpegx which claims to convert, but the conversions all contain 0

I can watch it on my powermac with quicktime, but can't edit it in imovie

Hi  Rosemary,

If you have QT Pro & the  Flip4Mac Windows Media component installed.
You need to upgrade Flip4Mac to Flip4Mac Pro $29US.


OR: If you have QT Pro, the Free Flip4Mac Windows component & Toast Titanium 6 or 7.
You can.
 1. Open Toast > Video
 2. drop the .wmv into Toast
3. export the .wmv to Quicktime (I use PAL-DV format, frame rate 25,Audio 48kHz, 720 x 576) 4. Then you can Import the .dv into iMovie to Edit or straight into iDVD

Car'n The Pies