Hi all,

When I use my digital camera, I often switch between portrait and landscape
orientation - to suit the subject/scene. When I transfer the images I
generally use a card reader & just drag the images to the relevant pictures

Now when I browse through the pictures in the finder, Preview shows them all
in landscape orientation and opens them in this orientation if I
double-click them - I can then, of course rotate them to the correct
orientation for viewing.

Whilst this is a minor annoyance, I accepted this as inevitable since, as
far as I knew, my Canon S45 does not have an orientation sensor and so would
not know the orientation I am holding it when I take the picture.

HOWEVER... today I was just browsing a folder using the excellent Graphic
Converter (which I know is often recommended/referenced in WAMUG posts) when
I suddenly realised that all the photo previews were being shown in their
correct (with respect to gravity!) orientation as were the photos if I
opened them. I always liked graphic converter but I now accord it new
respect!....... How does it know which is the correct orientation to display
what is, after all, just a bunch of pixels?

Intrigued, I checked the the Information pane there is nothing in the EXIF
info to indicate orientation but I did notice that the image size was shown
as 1704x2272 pixels for the  portrait shots and 2272x1704 pixels for the
landscape shots. If I import the photos into iPhoto, however, the photos are
all shown in landscape mode and shown as 2272x1704 pixels in the info

So, is Graphic Converter truly Psychic ??!! being a confirmed sceptic, I
replaced the card in the camera and previewed the photos on the camera LCD
and found (which I had not previously noticed) that the camera does actually
display the previews in the correct orientation so presumably it has some
form of sensor to detect vertical orientation which it then uses to set the
height/width dimensions accordingly??

If so, why can Graphic Converter recognise this seemingly simple piece of
info and display the image correctly whilst iPhoto, preview or IE seem
oblivious and display all images in landscape format initially (Safari seems
unable to simply open a plain JPEG file!).

So has anyone else noticed which programs correctly interpret the photo
orientation (like graphic converter) and which programs require you to
actually rotate all portrait orientation shots (like Preview, iPhoto etc).


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Fax: +61 8 9841 6137