At 7:15 AM +0800 14/3/06, Paul wrote:
Mervyn & Giuliana Bond wrote:

At 7:32 PM +0800 13/3/06, Paul wrote:

Mervyn & Giuliana Bond wrote:

I am using Mozilla as my main browser because it accesses my sites for internet banking and does most other things reasonably well. Eudora is my email application and I can set it so that a URL in an email, if clicked, will open in Mozilla. In Mozilla, if I click on an email address Mozilla naturally goes to its own mail application. Is there a work-around so that clicking on an email address in Mozilla will open Eudora?

I believe this is normally done by setting Eudora as the default app in's preferences.
I hope that gets around the fact that your browser has it's 'own' mail app.

Good luck


In Mozilla's preference panel for Mail & Newsgroups there appears to be no way of setting Eudora as the default. Were you referring to some other Mail? The only other Mail I have is Apple's Mail and it is different in layout from the one that pops up in Mozilla. The mystery deepens.

Hi Merv

Yes I did mean Apple's
I use Thunderbirbird so under Mail>Preferences>General>Default Email Reader I have Thunderbird selected. In the 'old' days there was a preference pane in System prefs but now one needs to set the default mail app from within's prefs, same for browsers where you do it from Safari's prefs.
I hope I'm on the right track as I have never used Eudora.
Perhaps you could tell us why you use it as I am quietly looking for a new mailer...


Good luck

At1:34 PM +0800 14/3/06, Mervyn & Giuliana Bond wrote:
Hi Paul
1 The version of Mail that I have with OS X 10.2.8 is v 1.2.5. Its preference panels do not contain a General option. Screen shots of Mail with 10.4 do have such. Mail seems to come with the System so unless I upgrade I won't have all the preferences that you have. 2 I wonder whether we are talking at cross-purposes. In Eudora I can set up Mozilla so that when I click on an URL in Eudora the site opens in Mozilla. However, what I want is the situation that when I am in Mozilla and an email address is given in the web page, a click on the email address or 'contact us' will take me to Eudora. I can do this with Internet Explorer and I think a protocol helper in the preferences of IE facitated this connection. I'm moving away from IE hence all the interest in Mozilla. 3 I have always preferred the freedom and speed of a stand-alone email application - not something lumbered with a browser, and so I use Eudora. It has a range of features (most of which I don't use so I get four or five emails at each download that offer me a better sex life) which an enthusiast would wish to use. It comes in three form, lite, sponsored and the fully purchased. I use the sponsored and because my needs are simple and it does all that I require.

Didn't want to give up on this one.
Went back to Eudora's Questions and Problems and after chasing through various Q & A and Groups was redirected back to a Mozilla group and found two options: 1. uninstall Mozilla and reinstall as browser only. 2. modify a preference. I examined both options but the first seemed unavailable so I pursued the second. Quit out of Mozilla. Not being a developer I had to fiddle around to find the correct path. It goes like this: User - Name - Library - Mozilla - Profiles - default - no9y7sdy.slt - prefs.js Next, open prefs.js with Text Edit. I guess it wasn't necessary but I scrolled down until I found some network code and then inserted the instruction given from the help group, namely.
user_pref("network.protocol-handler.external.mailto", true);
Saved and quit from Text Edit.
I opened Mozilla, went to a page with an email link and clicked. Was asked did I wish to continue with this change. OK. Bingo. Having had success I decided to call it quits and Shut down. Machine froze!! I forced shut down and restarted. Opened Mozilla and clicked on the email link. This time the dialogue box asked whether it should remember what it was doing. OK. I think I should have restarted after quitting from Text Edit and then perhaps the freeze might not have happened.
Anyway, I am a happy chappy!
"Science teaches that we must see in order to believe, but we must also believe in order to see."