On 26/04/2006, at 5:18 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 26/04/2006, at 4:25 PM, Malcolm McCallum wrote:

Hi everyone I have a problem. Because of certain activities by my youngest grandchild 21/12 :-) I have done a complete re- install of my wife's iMac G4 1Ghz. I have also installed for the first time iPhoto 6. When I ran the iPhoto program for the first time it told me,as expected that it would need to update iPhoto which I accepted and it got on to do it. Then came the crunch

"Unable to upgrade this photo library because the current user does not have access. If possible, repair permissions for the iPhoto Library Folder and try again.

The path of the item that failed is "/Users/sue/Pictures/iPhoto Library/2003/06/14/Originals/IMG_1200.JPG"

I have thrown this img away but it just replaces it with another vand I think will go through all the imgs. I have repaired permissions but was wondering what to do next and why has it happened.

Hi Mac,

First manually reset the ownership and permissions on the iPhoto Library folder as follows:
Setting Permissions for iPhoto Library Folder

1 - Select the iPhoto Library folder and type Command-I.
2 - When the Info window comes up go to the Ownership and Permissions section and make sure You have Read & Write permission and that the Owner and Group have Read & Write also. Others - Read Only.
3 - Then click on the "Apply to enclosed items..." button.

However, many users have found that there is a locked image file or two in the library that was the culprit.

Look in the iPhoto Library folder for the Original folder. In there will be folders for each roll in the library. Check the folder that represents the roll that you're having trouble with. Make sure there are no locked files in there like you did earlier and then set the ownership and permissions on that roll folder as follows:
Setting Permissions a Specific Folder

1 - Select the folder and type Command-I.
2 - When the Info window comes up go to the Ownership and Permissions section and make sure You have Read & Write permission and that the Owner and Group have Read & Write also. Others - Read Only.
3 - Then click on the "Apply to enclosed items..." button.

See if that won't let iPhoto use those files.

Lit. Sis
Car'n The Pies

Can I add that the "Apply to enclosed items" option is quite flakey, and in my experience rarely does what it promises. A more reliable strategy is to download a copy of Batchmod and park it in your Dock. It resets recursive permissions properly.

Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482    Fax (618) 9332 0913
Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.