If they get any bigger they'll be empty when you put them in
(says he who just received his 160Gb internal hard drive for 17" Powerbook half an hour ago and is not looking forward to getting 'about this Mac' info regarding the real hard disk space).

Brett Carboni
"Have a gigabyte of our sushi"

On 08/05/2006, at 6:10 PM, thefrogs wrote:

Could someone please explain to me, again, the mathematics of bites.
I have an 80 gig HDD that falls to 74.53 on my G5 -in Drive A a loss of 5.5 ^ gig I have a 120 gig HDD that falls to 111.79 on my G5 -in Drive B a loss of 8.1 gig
In times gone by I remember a gig was a gig