I know there was at least one other out there living with the pain of suddenly finding their cursor somewhere off in a corner for seemingly no apparent reason.

And there were different solutions offered from 'use a mouse mat' 'don't use a mouse mat' to 'turn off classic'. I tried everything i saw suggested and still it went on running off sometimes at just that crucial moment in a game or graphics work and I had just about given up on a solution when in desperation on Mother' day i asked my son once again for a solution. The first solution he'd given me over 12 months ago was to use a mouse mat because the grain on my desk meant it wasn't flat. I could accept that and it had helped a bit but still. This time he suggested i keep the mouse clean... i do... then clean the mat mum... i already do that too. Well mum... you'll just have to get a plain mat, maybe the pattern's confusing it [thin mat with lines and bits looks something like a weird circuit diagram i'm sure you've all seen them]. Uh huh right son.... nods head.

SOLUTION... omg the boy was right. Just so i could say i tried your silly solution i took a piece of A4, folded it in half and placed it over the mat and it stopped its erratic ways. I turned the mat over and used the all black side and again apart from it being more of a non slip surface so not the best to use again no erratic behaviour.

I'll be out looking for a 100% plain solid colour mouse mat soon, the paper works fine but I just know i'll start scribbling notes on it soon
