On 25/07/2006, at 7:03 PM, Paul Doyle wrote:

Hi All,

I'm hoping to take some compact cassette recordings I made of some interviews I did with my Grandmother for an oral history project back in 1987 and put them onto a CD for Mum for her 70th birthday in October. I want to have a go at removing some mechanical noise that made it on to the tape during the recording process.

I took a look at the Archives and the last discussion on this subject looks like it was back in 2003. I wondered if anyone had some more recent experience that they wanted to share. I have a tape deck hooked up to my eMac through the audio in connection. The results are ok using Garageband. I guess I'm after suggestions or recommendations on what sort of software might get the job done or if anyone would recommend a professional outfit who does this kind of work.

Thanks in advance.


These guys:


have kept me supplied with audio goodies for years now....

Have fun
